Tonight God has placed this hymn upon my heart. I'm not sure why, but the lyrics are bringing me to tears tonight. This is my all-time favorite hymn, as the story behind the author's inspiration is amazing.
I figured I'd blog about the lyrics and verses and story of this song, and see if I can't find what God might be trying to impress upon me tonight.
"When peace like a river, attendeth my way; When sorrows lie sea billows roll, Whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to say, It is well, it is well, with my soul."
I just want to add an exclamation point at the end of that verse, as when I sing it I feel as though my soul is screaming it to the Lord.
The author/composer of this song is Horatio Spafford. In the 2 years leading up to his inspiration to write this song, his only son was killed, his family fortune was destroyed and he was bankrupt in Great Chicago Fire, and all 4 of his daughters were killed while sailing to Europe and their boat suddenly sank. Only his wife survived.
God later blessed them with more children, additional fortune, and the chance to minister to others, but I think of the pain he must have been enduring at the time of the writing of this song. The thought of loosing even one of my children brings me to tears and makes my heart ache. To have lost ALL of his children...I can't even imagine his pain!!! And then, to sit there and cry out to the Lord, telling the Lord that even though he's in agony, he's filled with peace and that his soul is okay and at peace...what an AMAZING thing to experience, and truly NOT something we as humans experience (in a time of extreme loss and grief) without the love of the Lord.
"Though Satan should buffet, though trials should come, Let this blest assurance control, that Christ has regarded my helpless estate and hath shed His own blood for my soul"
Again....WOW!!! To sit there and say that even though the Devil himself is attacking him, and trials (and I'd say he was enduring far more than mere trials) are his lot at that moment, that he is at peace because GOD has seen his grief/sorrows/pain/anguish/(fill in with appropriate adjective here) and in His grace, DIED for him/'s amazing!!!
(P.S. the spell check didn't recognize my type-o of "christ" and insisted that it must be spelled "Christ" how cool is that!?!?!!?!?)
"My sin, oh, the bliss of this glorious thought! My sin, no in part but in whole, Is nailed to the cross, and I bear it no more, Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul!"
I'm serious, that makes me want to sing and shout and scream and whoop and holler!!!!! SERIOUSLY! MY sin, ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL the wrong things I've done, and will do, are NOT mine to bear! That God would look at ME, take pitty upon ME, and DIE so that I am freed of this burden and may spend ETERNITY in Heaven with Him....WOW!!
(P.S. the exclamation points are Mr. Spafford's...not mine!)
"For me, bit it Christ, be it Christ hence to live, If Jordan above me shall roll; No pang shall be mine, for in death as in life, Thou wilt whisper Thy peace to my soul."
How be at a point where you can say that regardless of the pain in your life, you live for CHRIST and that regardless of whether you are alive or dead, God is giving your soup peace. AMEN!
"But Lord, 'tis for Thee, for Thy coming we wait; The sky, not the grave, is our goal; Oh, trump of the angel! Oh, voice of the Lord1 Blessed hope, blessed rest of my soul."
Lord, this is SUCH a true statement! I must try and live my life more in the anticipation of your return, and less wrapped up in the moment of today. These things I do here, nothing matters but that which will bring you GLORY! My frustrations, will all be forgotten. But what I do for YOU...that will be carried on. I MUST remember to focus more on sharing your love, peace, and grace with my children (who are quickly loving You) as their tender lives can impact others. THAT is what is important, Lord! Thank you for helping me to see this! I do ache for your return. I used to more as a child than I do now as a my heart hurts at the thought of my children enduring any pain that may be associated with my reunion with you....but I MUST remember that regardless of what may happen to me (Or more painfully, to them) we WILL be reunited and that it is YOUR return that is so important!
"And Lord, haste the day when my faith shall be sight, The clouds be rolled back as a scroll; the trump shall resound, and the Lord shall descend, Even so, it is well with my soul"
Lord, my soul gets excited as this thought! To get to be here when You return is a truly thrilling experience! Lord, please hurry! This impatient human girl is in love with You, and anxious for your return!
"It is well, with my soul"
I do find it amazing that, while Tim was unemployed for 2 months (he is now employed, thanks for any prayers you all might have said) my soul WAS at peace! Ever need was met...and exceeded!!!! We never wanted for anything, much less needed a thing! God you were and are GOOD!!!!
Last week the transmission in my van died. Friday we received an estimate to rebuild it for $1500. Resolved to wait a month until we receive our tax return, we started making due with one car and Tim newly employed. By Monday, we had an unexpected check in the mail form Tim's school...for excess financial aid money...enough to cover the tranny re-build and then some!!!!
God you are AMAZING!!!!
Thursday, January 14, 2010
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