It's October...autumn is here! Our new life in the new town, and new part of the state is revealing an earlier, cooler autumn at that. By early September the air was already a touch cooler, and by the last week of September we were having our first cool front. The first week of October we experienced temperatures in the 40s! The children were LOVING the weather. So were the animals, I might add. Boe kicked his up heals, galloping and bucking around the pasture. We've taken walks (been attacked by a dog on one of them) and have been using this glorious season as an opportuinity to be OUTDOORS and learning. We've done school on the front porch, photographed leaves, done scavenger hunts, and just plane romped and played for the sheer joy of it. Here are some photos of the children in this GLORIOUS season that we've been thanking the Lord for.

Samantha found Boe's bell boots and decided to play horse. Yes, she's sporting horse overalls, with an attached stuffed horse, and wearing horse bell boots. Ah, my previous baby girl who is NUTS about horses!
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