Wednesday, April 11, 2007


"Happy Birthday, Sweet Pea!"

C. pushing her little brother, C., and Sweet Pea on our garden swing.

She partied till she was pooped....and then dropped.

This is the cake made WITHOUT the butter cream goat's milk Icing. It's a carousel, if you can see the horses on there. Next time I'll use a very light colored glaze on each horse.

A random shot of Little Dude and Sweet Pea playing on my bed one morning.

Little Dude and Sweet Pea enjoying Mommy's new wrap: Holunder Waves Didymos

Passed out in mommy's lap. The blue things are Baby Legs, and I put them on him to keep all the pollen, dust, and dander that he's allergic to from irritating his eczema.

Well, that's all for now. Enjoy!

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